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Users can customize their journey and gain access to our top quality course material with ease. Fundaflix offers On-Demand learner support on-the-go at an affordable subscription.

Learning Reloaded
On Demand
Media and information that is available for access at any time.
Digital experiences that require active participation from the user.
Media and information that is designed for consumption while users are mobile.
High-School Learner Support
Live Masterclass, Videos, Quizzes, Study Material, Exam Preparations
Fundaflix is easy to use and brings learners affordable, convenient, any-time learning with the ultimate edutainment experience delivered by our subject experts and trained tutors.
Price & Plans

Fundaflix is On Demand, offering Live Masterclass plus a range bite-sized video content and interactive online quizzes with feedback, practice worksheets with memos, exam preparation guides and live revision lessons throughout the year.

Popular Courses
Courses List
Brand New
Grades 8 - 9
Available Now
Grades 10 - 12
Getting started
In Just 3 Easy Steps
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Create Your Profile
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Choose Courses
& Start Learning
Users can customize their journey and gain access to our top quality course material with ease. Fundaflix offers On-Demand learner support on-the-go at an affordable subscription.

Learning Reloaded
On Demand
Media and information that is available for access at any time.
Digital experiences that require active participation from the user.
Media and information that is designed for consumption while users are mobile.
High-School Learner Support
Live Masterclass, Videos, Quizzes, Study Material, Exam Preparations
Fundaflix is easy to use and brings learners affordable, convenient, any-time learning with the ultimate edutainment experience delivered by our subject experts and trained tutors.
Price & Plans
Fundaflix is On Demand, offering Live Masterclass plus a range bite-sized video content and interactive online quizzes with feedback, practice worksheets with memos, exam preparation guides and live revision lessons throughout the year.

Popular Courses
Courses List
Brand New
Grades 8 - 9
Available Now